KIDPRENEUR FAIR TODAY! // Hold onto your hats…
1. You’re going to be amazed and inspired by this year’s Kidpreneurs!
2. It’s windy 

Join us TODAY, Saturday Nov 5 for Cloud 9 Workshop’s 5th Annual Kidpreneur Fair! Shoppers & Supporters Welcome!!
FREE to attend! Each Kidpreneur handles their own sales. Cash only.
TODAY! Saturday, Nov. 5, 2 groups, 9-11:30 a.m. & 1-3:30 p.m. & (Rain Date Sunday, Nov. 6)
COST: FAIR is FREE, Facebook RSVP Requested
Support & encourage our local Kidpreneurs as they present their products, ideas and inventions! Cloud 9 Workshop’s Kidpreneur Fair is a market and share space for kids to sell their products and share their ideas and inventions. The focus is to provide kids a positive entrepreneurial experience.
Attend the 2022 Kidpreneur Fair November 5! RSVP HERE
DATE: Saturday, Nov 5 (Rain date Nov 6)
TIME: 2 Groups, 9-11:30 am & 1:00-3:30 pm
COST: Fair is FREE, RSVP Requested – RSVP HERE
LOCATION: INDOORS & OUTDOORS! Cloud 9 Workshop, 5205 W North Ave, MKE
QUESTIONS: Please contact Kelcey@cloud9workshop, 414-702-5465