About Cloud 9 Workshop

Our Creative Team has over 200 years combined experience in working with kids and art!

In the News
CBS 58 Visits Maker Studio at Cloud 9 Workshop
An inside look at Cloud 9 Workshop’s NEW Open Studio Model this Fall
A Fox 6 Interview- The 7th Annual Kidpreneur Fair at Cloud 9 Workshop
More than 70 kids in the Milwaukee have turned an idea into reality.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visits Kidpreneur Fair
Today’s Kid Entrepreneurs don’t just sell lemonade!
Urban Milwaukee’s Art Scene
The Family That Does Art Together, Cloud 9 offers hands-on art experiences for the child in all of us.
9 Summer DIY Projects for Kids by Alison Sherwood
Milwaukee By Storm Visits Cloud 9 Workshop
Local Blogger, Amber Storm shares her first-hand experience of Cloud 9’s Feeling Crafty!
Fox 6’s Real Milwaukee’s Chip Brewster visits the studio LIVE
Experience Cloud 9 Workshop’s ArTogether for Tots (3rd Video on Page)
Kelcey goes LIVE on Today’s TMJ4-The Morning Blend,
Sweet & simple Halloween costumes for babies in WI
Monthly Craft Column – Metroparent Magazine, Kelcey’s Craft Corner
Cloud 9 Workshop featured on Fox 6 WITI Real Milwaukee
How to make cereal box journals & Adventures as a Mompreneur
Kelcey’s LIVE Interview & Craft Demo on Today’s TMJ4-The Morning Blend,
Earth Day feature & How to make Tuna Can Bird Feeders
Kelcey on the air with Jim & Ron on the The Biz Connection
The Journey of starting Cloud 9 Workshop
Kelcey’s Interview with Alison Sherwood for Fresh by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
DIY can save you money and bring people together