Scouts & Clubs

Ignite Your Creativity at Cloud 9 Workshop!

Embrace your DIY spirit & roll up your sleeves for an unforgettable studio experience with your troop!

Wind Cars (Daisy & Brownie Automotive Design Badge & Junior Balloon Card Design Challenge Badge)
3D Robots (Daisy & Brownie Design a Robot Badge)
Shrink Plastic Magic Friendship Necklaces (Brownie Making Friends Badge)
Guided Drawing & Experiments with Drawing Tools (Junior Drawing Badge)
Metal Stamped Tool Box Washer Necklaces (Junior Jeweler Badge)
Mini String Art Hearts (Cadette Woodworker Badge)
Spiral Bound Collage Journals (Cadette Book Artist Badge & Senior Collage Artist Badge)
Cross Stitch or Needle Felting (Senior Textile Artist Badge)

DATES & TIMES – After school, evenings & weekends
TOTAL DURATION – 1.5 hours
MIN/MAX – 8/24
COST – $35/participant, includes all needed materials and tools

What times would work?

What will you make?

2 + 15 =